Thursday, October 9, 2008


I’m a writer, and it’s very in fashion for writers to have blogs so here I go. I’ve actually been a blogger wanna-be for awhile, creating entries every now and then for my non-existent blog and just saving them in Word for no one to read. So I’m taking the plunge.

Knowing that the key to any kind of success with a blog is to keep it regularly updated, I’m going to try to update this thing at least twice a week. That’s saying a lot for me, because I don’t do much in my life unless it is:
  1. Billable
  2. Kid-related
  3. Weight-loss inducing or
  4. Highly entertaining for me

But, I do enjoy writing, and I do find things fairly amusing in my life sometimes, so I think I’ll enjoy this even if no one really reads it. While I do find my family and friends rather “amusing” at times, I’m going to try to avoid too many can-you-believe-them kind of entries for the sake of maintaining those relationships – which are necessary for my sanity!

I also will try not to make this all isn’t-Cole-cute-and-you’ll-never-believe-the-funny-thing-he-said. However, I probably will include some Cole stories though when they make me laugh until I cry or simply cry. Here’s one that falls into the latter category. The conversation in the playroom went like this:

Cole: Mom, if I die will you take me to the hospital and use those shock things?
Me: Absolutely.
Cole, after thinking for a moment: Actually mom, you’ll probably die before me.
Me: That’s probably true. So, if I die will you take me to the hospital and use those shock things?
Cole: Sure….oh but, I probably won’t be here. You’ll probably die alone. Maybe the neighbors will find you.

There it was. Said right out loud. Put right out into the universe. The nightmare of a single, dateless mom, that could actually come true. I will die alone, and only after the stench of my decomposing body wafts down the street will a neighbor happen to find me.

Certainly by then it will be too late for the shock things at the hospital.


Kush said...

And here's your first comment. Congratulations! ;D
Yeah, it is fashionable for writers to have blogs. Will follow yours if you arrest my attention; I am from India and have a fascination for the way of life in the US of A, especially what they call the good ol' South.


Melissa said...

Old friend, you have arrested my attention! (Couldn't bear for Rhett from India to be the lone commenter here.) It's hard to say whether I enjoy your in person rhetoric or your written word more. I wish I didn't live so far a away so I could still enjoy them both. Alas, I shall indulge in your brilliant, raw, and hilarious blogging. Blog on, sister!