Monday, October 27, 2008


With all of the election talk and coverage going on, and the current economic crisis, Cole and I have had a number of political discussions. Not sure if you count me lecturing about the insanity of me/us having to bail out people who took on mortgages for houses they couldn’t afford and my growing anger at the number of Obama signs in my neighborhood as “discussions,” but I like to think he is taking it all in and learning something.

Cole claims to be a Republican – proudly chanting “Obama is a llama, he hates his momma” (apparently the Republican rallying cry at his school) – however, I am beginning to have doubts. While preaching the virtues of hard work, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, taking responsibility for our actions and capitalism, Cole dutifully nods his agreement. He understands why we must stay in Iraq to fight terrorism, how trickle down economics works (kind of) and why we don’t like taxes.

However, he seems to have a great love for entitlements. As in “I am entitled to order pizza whenever I feel like it.” As in “I am entitled to stay up as late as I want to.” As in “I am entitled to bid on football cards on eBay.” As in “I am entitled to sit on this couch and boss you around.” (When he was four, sitting on the couch and making his demands, he said – in a moment of clarity – “Hey, you’re kind of like my butler.” Nice.) I am afraid I am creating my own little Democrat.

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