Friday, January 9, 2009


I'd seen it coming for several months; however, getting the e-mail that let me know one of my clients would no longer need me for a $12,000 per year project I have worked on for the last five years still took my breath away for a moment. They've reconfigured their magazine, and I knew they really didn't have a need for me anymore. As a freelancer, knowing that I could count on that $12,000 a year was so great. Not good. $12,000 is quite a hit for my little annual income.

I've been a bit smug thinking about rich friends who are now facing trying times. "Well, now they'll really have to see where their trust is." Well, funny thing, looks like I too am going to have to really see where MY trust is.

I did get a call from a colleague I hadn't heard from in, like, ten years, and I'm going to be working on a large project for her here in January. It was a good reminder that God has it all figured out. I love those out-of-the-blue just-in-the-knick-of-time calls about new work. Sometimes, it's a little spooky. Wow, He really does know what's going on in my life and really does care about the details of my life (like how I'm going to pay the electric bill and support my $18-per-week Diet Coke habit).

I also had my annual OB/GYN visit today where I discussed my concern about my weight gain. While he assured me I am much thinner than most people with weight issues and I have nothing medically to worry about, my doctor did take the opportunity to flip through my file and read off what my weight has been every year for the last six years. He pointed out that there's a definite trend, and if we charted it, we'd have a nice diagonal line. Seriously? Did I need to know that much detail?

I'm headed to pull the covers up over my head in hopes that this day will end as soon as possible.

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