Sunday, November 23, 2008


(I meant to post this yesterday/Saturday) It was a big morning for Red, but let me begin by venting. As the single mom of an only child nine-year-old boy, I am really tired of playing with him. Frankly, bored is the better word. There. I said it.

(The afternoon went something like this: play game with Cole and Red that involves intricate rules – it’s a combination of tackle football and tag; then, play indoor baseball game which involves diving onto the mattress that I drug into the den until I decide we’re going to break something so we move the mattress and game outside; after chasing a kazillion of Cole’s hits into the street finally coming inside -- after dragging the mattress back in. Ten minutes later we begin an hour-long game of me throwing the football to Cole, and Cole diving on the mattress. It is going to be a very long holiday week.)

Well, anyway, Red graduated from his obedience/visiting nursing homes class. He never did master the sit-stay-down (it basically turned into me saying “sit” and Red doing a belly flop onto the floor), but the trainer thinks he’ll do just fine with the residents.My mom proudly came to the graduation, as both of her granddogs were in the class. She took photos and cheered for them as all good grandmas do.

Frankly, it was a bit disturbing to realize just how bored she must be with her life. We’ve discussed the fact that she’s kind of in phase II of being a grandmother. Phase I involved much babysitting and attending about four to five games a week to cheer on her four grandkids.

Now, her three older grandkids aren’t playing sports, and the babysitting needs have lessened. Not sure what phase II of grandparenting will include for her, but I certainly don’t think cheering on her granddogs should be the highlight of her week. Hmmm. Wonder if she’d like to play some football with Cole?

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