Thursday, November 27, 2008


Cole and I were snuggled up on the couch Wednesday night watching old home videos when the phone rang. I checked the caller ID which said "Wireless Caller" followed by 214 and three numbers (313) that made my heart jump a bit. The exchange was familiar....yes, very familiar. It must be that guy I dated a few years back! Calling me!

Here's what went through my mind (no joke): Should I answer it? No. Don't want to appear too eager. And, hey, who does he think he is anyway calling out of the blue and expecting me to answer the phone? He can just leave me a message like other people who I screen.

He didn't leave a message.

Hmm. Should I call him back and say I noticed he called? Too desperate. And why is he calling me? I haven't talked to him in a year. Maybe he's moving. Maybe he's getting married. Maybe he's decided that of the 100s of women that he dates I am THE ONE. Maybe he just wants to go to dinner. Oh god. I weigh about eight pounds more than the last time that I saw him. What would I wear? Have I bought any new going out clothes in the past year? I wouldn't want him to see me wearing one of the same three tops I rotated through when we did go out some.

I continued to snuggle on the couch acting interested in the video of Cole at age three showing off his karate moves -- but with a nice little smile on my face.

The phone rang again. This time it was my ex-husband's phone number. I picked it up, and he said, "Hey I tried to call you awhile ago." My little smile begins to fade. "Really? I didn't see that you called...someone did call about 20 minutes ago from a number I didn't recognize," I said.

"Oh yeah, was it 214-313-blahblahblah?" he said.

Turns out he was calling on his girlfriend's phone. Of course he was.

Just shoot me now.

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